
thoughts of spring


i'm linking up for the thoughts of spring blog party! anything to get writing, right? go join the party before time runs out!

What celebrity/celebrities would create a “Star-Struck” feeling if you saw them in real life? 
I can tell you which star would be struck if I saw them in real life: Oprah.

What is your comfort food/drink?
I like things that are cheesy or deep fried haha.. That's pretty much anything you can get in the south. I am not ashamed (maybe just of the "girlish figure" those foods have given me...)

Movies: Action, Drama, Romantic Comedy, Documentary, Comedy? 
I was once told my life was a romantic comedy. But I don't like watching them usually. I prefer "feel good" movies like The Blindside or Remember the Titans. Actually, scratch that. Football movies. Yes, that's what I like. But I love an action movie every now and then, too.

Books: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, Biographies, True Stories, Self-Help, Devotional/Study? 
I prefer non-fiction, specifically theology. I've found that devotional books often lack good meat, though are usually well-written. I also like to read the occasional fiction - The Time Traveler's Wife might be my favorite book of all time. But I haven't read Redeeming Love yet, and after sampling it with nook, I think it could be a new favorite.

Music: Funk, Rock, Country, Jazz, Classical, Film Score, Blues, Classic Rock, Crooner, Alternative, Heavy Metal, Techno? 
Country! That's my husband's name! I also love hymns, especially the updated ones. I am a words person. If a song has good lyrics, I'm sold. I don't mean cryptic lyrics, I mean good ones. I think people are getting kind of ridiculous with the indie stuff, even though i LOVE the format! I like Oldies, and love ballads. And.. I'll never turn down a listen to the Titanic soundtrack. Don't judge.

If you inherited a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with your money?
Pay off debt, without a doubt. Then I'd donate to a few causes and save and invest the rest! A million doesn't go that far these days. When I was in grade school, we had something called the "million dollar project" in which we had to 'spend' a million dollars by cutting out pictures an such. I remember getting a house and a boat lol. Not sure why. Too bad they didn't teach us about taxes in that class. Way to set me  up for failure.

Name one weakness of yours (confession is good for the soul).
Food. And being lazy. I'll admit it.

If you could live anywhere at all (and take all your loved ones with you), where would you go?
Pignon, Haiti. And I'd work with Caleb and missionaries forever.

What is one of your favorite things to catch a whiff of? 
Stetson cologne. haha... don't ask. That, and Cranberry Mango! (It's my favorite Scentsy fragrance!)

When you leave a social gathering, do you wish: You would have talked more or You would have talked less? 
I usually wish I would have been more outgoing. I talk enough, but it's usually to the same people. People think I'm really outgoing, but I'm not. I like meeting people but I have a hard time doing it. My personality is pretty loud and bubbly, but it's shallow (trust me). I'm really good at faking it! Mostly, I'd say I'm awkward and socially insecure in groups where my reputation hasn't been established. Once people know me and I know people, though, I'm quite obnoxious haha

If money wasn’t a factor, what stores would you shop in?
Restoration Hardware (is that lame?), Chanel, Michael Kors, Nicole Miller for dresses, Versace. Probably Gucci.

What is your greatest fear or strange phobia?
 trypophobia. don't google it.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
Graduating college. Sounds lame, but I dropped out and stayed 2000 miles away from family and friends for 3 years before returning to the place of my greatest failure and hurt to finish a degree. According to the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, only 17 percent of the black adult population holds a four year degree; only 46% of the blacks who start college actually finish within 6 years, which I did (barely haha). That's the short version.

I just love to answer questions. Do you have any questions for me? Just say hello@aleasa.net!


  1. Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is Amy. I had planned to try and get around to reading all of these links, but more kept appearing and I have run out of time. I think these links disappear when the party ends, so since I will no longer be able to find your blog, please contact me and let me know if you are interested in me still reading your link and I can come back at another date and do so. I have throuly enjoyed learning about everyone I have read about so far and would love to know more about you too! Hope you have enjoyed the party...

    congrats on the degree...

  2. First: I love the plaid background!

    Second: (see how orderly I'm being - I don't know why, the mood has struck or something :)) I'm glad you mentioned that a million dollars doesn't go that far! Most of the time when I see the lists of what people would do with a million dollars I think, maybe not?

    Third: Listing Restoration Hardware is not lame! I've never been to a store but within the last year discovered their catalog and I love it!

    I know the blog party is over, but I'm still visiting! :)
