
challenge day 4: with or without you.

something you can't live without, because you've tried.

the first answer that comes to mind is my Lord and savior Jesus Christ! i was raised in church, daughter of a preacher. and like all good preacher's kids, i rebelled. after i graduated high school, i fell slowly away from the things i'd been taught. i never stop believing in God, so to speak, but i stopped trusting him and began trying to cut my own path through this world. that's a painful thing, y'all. it took three years before i realized that there is no peace, no comfort, no hope in this world without faith in something greater than yourself. i stopped trying to be an "intellectual" and having all my questions answered, because who wants a god who only does things they understand? that puts the god at our level, and i want my God to be much smarter than me.. even if that means i can't always piece his ways together. i didn't stop asking questions, of course. all my questions led me to a study of theology at ouachita, which is a passion of mine even today.

and, secondly, you can ask any one of my pledge sisters or my sweet suitey megan, i'm sort of pathetic without sergeant j. i know that's lame and i can't believe i'm admitting it to the blogopshere, but i wasn't sure i would ever fully heal from our short time of being broken up. he and i are just best friends, and just as you couldn't imagine your best good friend turning their back on you, i had a hard time dealing with the idea that he wasn't going to be part of my life. it was quite devastating. and you can call me quite ridiculous, but i don't care. it's the truth.

and on a lighter note, i can't live without lotion. especially good smelling lotion, but really any kind that moisturizes well. i won't even try.

what have you tried to live without, and simply cannot?

love, me

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it's never too late to spring clean. click here for more info on our 30-day blog challenge.

*please link to today's post, rather than your main blog page. there will be a new linky tomorrow! the main link up is located on the spring forward tab at the top of the page :))

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