
march book review

Not long ago, I received Then Sings My Soul (special edition) by Robert J. Morgan from booksneeze. It is a compilation of some favorite hymns and their history, and this special edition highlighted some great holiday hymns. The lyrics of the hymn are listed on one page, and the facing page contains a short story about the writer or discovery and history of each hymn. I would recommend this as a gift book, but I'll be keeping my copy because it's so nice to have.

There is a large selection of hymns, and many of them I had not previously heard of but have come to appreciate. Some of the stories are flat out not interesting, but many or very intriguing and some are even surprising. I also love the way that Morgan writes. He is very conversational; it's like sitting over coffee and bringing up your favorite hymn with someone who happens to know a lot about the history. Most of the stories are very inspirational, as I'm almost positive was his purpose, and this is a great cook to read an excerpt of on a lazy afternoon. If you are looking for a good conversation starter or love hymns as I do, I definitely suggest you add this to your library.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze® book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. (Read full disclosure.) 

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