
spring foward blog challenge :)

challenge button

some things to remember, a few to forget.
spring clean your soul with the happy life blog!
march 14-april 13

Day 1A picture of you and something you like about like about yourself
Day 2Something you really don't like about yourself.
Day 3A photo of something you ate today. Was is it worth the calories?
Day 4Something or someone you can't live without, because you’ve tried.
Day 5Something you definitely could live without.
Day 6Tell us about your best friend when you were 16, and where you two stand today.
Day 7Tell us about your wedding or dream wedding.
Day 8The best advice you've ever received.
Day 9A photo of your last significant purchase. Did it satisfy a need or a want?
Day 10What is your favorite way to pamper yourself?
Day 11The greatest vacation or trip you've ever had.
Day 12A photograph of the town you grew up in. What did you love/hate about it?
Day 13Where are you spiritually? In a valley or on a mountain?
Day 14If you had unlimited resources, what would your life look like? (Have fun with this one!)
Day 15Something you don’t leave the house without. Why?
Day 16What do you miss most about your childhood?
Day 17Something you crave a lot.
Day 18What is something you wish you could change about yourself?
Day 19What is something you hope never changes about you.
Day 20The meaning behind your blog name.
Day 21A photo of something that consistently makes you happy.
Day 22A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
Day 23Tell us something you think no one really knows about you.
Day 24A photo of something that means a lot to you.
Day 25Someone who impacts your life regularly.
Day 26How have you changed in the past two years?
Day 27What is something you need to forgive yourself for?
Day 28What is something you need to stop blaming yourself for?
Day 29Something you could never get tired of doing.
Day 30A photo of you today, and 3 good things that have happened during this blog challenge.

* A note about Linky Tools: I have never set up a link share like this one, so expect a few bumps. Adding your link to this post is great to let me know you're planning to join me, but there will be a linky for each day!

 18 entries so far... you're next!

  1. Elise @ One Day At A Time
  2. Carin @ All because two people fell in LOVE
  3. Honey Bee Hive
  4. Lifes Gristle
  5. Coffee and Laughter
  6. angiebarney
  7. The Stephens Family
  8. The Davis Daily Dose
  9. Moore To Love
  1. All Things Girl
  2. One Lady. . . . Three Boys!
  3. Camo and a Whole Lotta Love
  4. Two Southerners
  5. Anas Area
  6. We All See the Same Sky
  7. The Cricuteer
  8. We All See the Same Sky
  9. The Deutschland Report
  10. You are next... Click here to enter


  1. I can't wait for your challenge! I will definitely be joining in.

  2. PS you should make the link in the button for this post (instead of your overall blog)...so others can find this post when they click the button to see the list. :-)

  3. I am defenitely going to do this challenge!

    I'm your new follower and would love a follow back at www.lifesgristle.blogspot.com


  4. I am going to join in too! Fun questions!

  5. brittney..thanks for pointing that out. that was the idea, but it ended up being overlooked! can't wait to read y'alls posts! :)

  6. Joining in on the fun! Also a a new follower :) Come see me at laughingwiththeharrises.blogspot.com

  7. This is such a beautiful idea! I have different features going on so I know I can't dedicate this month but it's something I may do in the future. I can't wait to follow your journey :)


  8. I REALLY want to do this, but I have too much going on right now. I hope you don't mind if I bookmark your challenge days so I can go back to them when I get caught up with what I'm doing! I know I won't be "with everyone this way, but your prompts are really neat. I can't wait to read more about you!

  9. Hi! I'm Alyssa, you're newest follower. I think this challenge is great and I've joined in on day 8. Looking forward to reading all about you!
