
Where dreams come true.

Here are some pictures from "the happiest place on earth".  Sergeant J was able to take two days off this week, as he gets no pre-deployment leave (lame). Hopefully we'll get a couple more days together before he has to leave me. But back to Disney. There were a LOT of Arkansans there so the Sarge was happy all day. The crowds were minimal and it wasn't that hot. It was great. We did two parks. We might do one more next month if we can. Anything's possible when it's free. :)

Enjoy my camera phone pictures. Maybe for a real vacation I'll carry around one of those schmancy cameras like EVERY mom had. (Eye roll... but I do want a camera that doesn't receive phone calls one day soon lol.)  

And P.S. I found out how many Disney movies the Sarge has NOT seen. Do I smell a themed care package? I think I do.

Actually... this is Cape Canaveral, from Monday.

I won! I never EVER beat the sarge, at anything!

love, me


  1. Awe this looks so fun! You guys in your Mickey and Minnie hats...just so cute!

  2. New follower that found my way here via the It's OK link-up. You and your hubby are adorable. I love your upbeat vibe. Glad to have found you and can't wait to read more.

    Mommy On a Mission
