bahahaaaa!!! yes. walker texas ranger and his trusty sidekick, trivette. josh didn't pull out all the stops til that evening when we went trick or treating with he and carin's two little babies. he added a (very classy) beard to the costume. uh, yeah, don't let that last picture fool you.. they went to church like that. well.. that's not such a big deal for josh, because he's a texan through and through. and the only part of the "costume" the sarge didn't own was the hat. so.... technically.. it was just like any other day.
i was being assaulted with glow sticks. do you see their little badges? ahh.. here is josh with his babies:
levi was woody and olivia was a rodeo princess. and they are so cute!! and obviously, ballin'. american eagle bags as candy collectors. "more. MORE! MOREEEE!!" was olivia's war cry for the evening. she obviously didn't know she would only get one piece before bed. oh halloween.
before we went to carin's, though, we hung out with our next door neighbors and handed out candy.
their little girl is a monkey! is she not SO cute!! but the winner of the afternoon was this little guy:
what? what was i for halloween, you ask? i was the rational consumer, of course. who needs a picture of that??
while you're here, y'all should stop by carin's blog. she has more cute pictures of her family (the cutest family EVER) there. all because two people fell in love.
i leave you with the best commercial i've seen in a while... just because it's how i look at the Sarge half the time. they were SPOT ON hahaha... happy november!
Now THAT is hilarious, Aleasa! Hahaha. And p.s. I've. The End.
This is so funny!! We actually had a Walker and Trivette at our law school party!!!