
challenge day 24: lessons

the one thing that i have learned that is most important to me is this:

weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. 
(psalms 30:5)

nothing that ever EVER EVER happens remains that way.  there have been nights that i just wished and prayed i wouldn't have to wake up and face the next day.  i was like elijah; i would have rather died than face consequences or circumstances in my life (even when i know God promised to be with me... even when he's JUST done something amazing!).  but God's mercies are new every morning and somehow, when our hope is in him, he renews our strength.

i have learned a lot of things in my life, but none of them compare to that one lesson.  you can ALWAYS make it through.  the Lord has begun a good work in you and you can be assured that he will complete it. 

that and, my parents must have known what they were talking about.  

when, you ask?  


edit: i had to add another one... no one will see this but i cannot go down in blogger history without making it known.  how could i forget this, i think it every day!  i have learned that it is NOT ABOUT YOU!  never.  no one is here to cater to you, your dreams, wishes, emotions, background, mental incapacity, time schedules, pet peeves or happiness.  it is about the greatest good.  all that other stuff is a BLESSING.  it is really about the kingdom.  LOVE GOD.  love people.  forever and ever, amen.


  1. Wow, I so needed that today...thanks.

  2. I needed that too...great lesson to have learned! Thanks!

  3. You are SO right. God's mercies are new every morning and there's nothing He can't get you through. So good, thank you for sharing.

  4. God won't bring us anything that we can't handle - I have to remind myself of that when I think I'm facing something that is too big! It's never too big for Him!

  5. Thank you for that. I needed to hear it :)

  6. thanks for posting this.
    i really needed it today :)

  7. "this will pass on soon"- ur blog is as powerful as this statement. Pretty inspiring to bring smile to blue mind.
