I have some news about the future of the blog. As many of you know, I've been thinking a lot about the direction of the happy life blog. I haven't come to a full conclusion, but I think you can expect to see a massive overhaul in the coming months as I merge my Posh by Aleasa blog with this one. It was a hard decision, as I never want people to feel that my sole purpose is to sell them something. It's not. But, the number of posts I've had on the Posh by Aleasa blog would probably not be considered heavy (1-3 per month).
Additionally, I am in the process of producing a short e-book, which will also become part of this online persona. This, too, will be featured here in the coming year. Further into the future, the branding may change and possibly even the name. After some reflection, I have concluded that it's a generally good practice to streamline your online presence as much as possible. Even in my case: I would consider myself a jack of many trades and a master of none. I want to write for my Perfectly Posh team as a social media leader; I want to write Bible studies; I want to share recipes; I want to do blog design (WHAT?!); I want to write about random, everyday things. What kind of blog is that? It goes against every suggestion to find a "niche". And perhaps the niche will develop over time, but this is ME. And if this is a blog about me (or by me) then wouldn't it follow that all those things would all be included? I think so. I have the tendency to compartmentalize my life, I always have. But much like faith, these things all touch one another; they shape who I am.
I am hoping to make these changes here rather than starting from scratch -- though I will not necessarily stick with Blogger. This is all a refreshing process for me, and hopefully also for my readers! I ask that you bear with me as I update design, add content, and learn more about the mechanics of social media in general. As always, I welcome feedback and I hope that you will be open and honest with me about these changes. I can't wait to see what the result will be!
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