First of all...maybe a day (or two) late and a dollar short, but it's the thought that counts right? So happy Independence, America! I made the famous wreath floating around Pinterest and I think it came out great! Plus, it cost me about $12 so that's awesome.
I hope everyone's holiday was and is fun and safe. As for me, I went to my neighbor's house and hung out with the family. They are still pretty much the only people I know in this whole state. Pretty much. We had a great time with grilled burgers, veggies, and plenty of desserts!
Secondly, what have y'all been up to? I haven't had a chance to read many of my favorites but don't worry, I will be around shortly. I have a post ready for next week.. Sergeant J's birthday was last month so I made him a care package. It was my first and I'm pretty pleased with myself. So I will share that later. Also, while I was gone, I killed the largest spider I have ever seen indoors... no joke... managed to save up a quick $1000 (which is already spent for an upcoming rendezvous in Texas), dropped the laptop (it survived) and played through an entire video game. Fun June, huh? I certainly hope yours was better than mine haha!!
I'll be back early next week with the Sarge's birthday box. Until then, stay safe and live happy!
Um, that spider sounds awful. Happy July though!!