
T is for Typography

I am running behind in the challenge today, but hopefully I will be caught up with a U post this evening. Part of the challenge for me was to get up each day and actually take the time to think and write. Sometimes that means I get behind. But I've not been doing too bad, have I?

So, T is for typography. I LOVE fonts! I have been downloading fonts for twenty years, since Windows 3.0. Yeah.

Here are some of my current (free--at least for personal use) favorites. Enjoy!

Miserably Lose at Kevin & Amanda's Free Scrapbook Fonts
Hit the Road at DaFonts.com
Milkmoustachio by Tup Wanders
The Only Exception by Kimberly Geswein
Ostrich Sans at Font Squirrel
A Gentle Touch by ByTheButterfly
Jenna Sue by Jenna Sue!
KG Eyes Wide Open by Kimberly Geswein
Cabin at Impallari
Wish I Were Taller at Kevin & Amanda's Free Scrapbook Fonts
Simply Glamorous by Brittney Murphy
Lavanderia at Lost Type
Museo at exljbris Font Foundry
Clementine Sketch at DaFonts.com
League Gothic at The League of Moveable Type

Favorite S posts:
S is for Shasta at My Morning Cup of Coffee because ghost towns are rad.
S is for Sentence at Here's the Story. Because, THANK YOU someone else knows proper grammar by ear.
S is for Simply (Live Minimally) at Our Life.. Plain and Simple. Because clutter free is peace in this house.

love, me


  1. Oh, I'm addicted to fonts too! The correct font speaks volumes.

  2. Wow, I'm impressed, Aleasa. I don't think I could just wake up and write a blog post. I'm one of those "planners". Happy A to Z from another Jesus lover!

