
long lost friend: what i'm loving wednesday

well, what better way to get back into blogging than join a sweet meme? my favorite day of the week is wednesday and my favorite memes are today, too! leigh ashley is taking a break from wee bit (sigh) so none of that this week. but i'm really excited to see what everyone is loving today!

one. i'm loving JULY! the weather has been so perfect and our calendar is open for more fun in the sun. this is just a great month.. our friend from college is coming to visit next month, we have a fun trip panned for the end of the month (well.. it's military ordered but it will be fun haha), and the farmer's markets are in full swing.

calendar filling up slowly but surely! yay for leisurely life!!

daisies from the market

two. i'm loving my sweet new furbaby. she's making our days very funny and interesting!!

have you ever seen a dog blink in a picture haha!

three. i'm loving housewifery. i'm like, obsessed with being a homemaker. i long to be as devoted to making my home (and keeping track of my home) as the 1920s housewife. i've even downloaded a couple a half dozen early century household management books on my nook. and i've taken to buying dresses. and touching up my make up before i see my hubby. and ditching the tee shirts.. though i still donn one every now and then. i love being a wife! i'll have a post on this later.


four. as always, i'm loving my sweet husband and his concern for our little furbaby and her pending motherhood!

a quick update on gracie. we know NOTHING about pregnant dogs. there are a few places that will allow us to bring her in for the birthing and early weeks (or so i've heard), but she JUST got a new "forever home" and i can't bear the thought of my sweet girl being stressed out in some clinic environment. so... we borrowed our neighbors doghouse and set up the whelping area. we are SO nervous.

anyone who knows anything about labor/weaning/puppy toddlers is welcome to email me! i will be chronicling this adventure here. first of all, i've been googling the heck out of signs that the dog is in labor. i've found pacing, panting, vomiting, lower body temperature, affection, refusing food and nesting (of course) among others.

she has been kind of acting restless, i think she's uncomfortable. she's acted like she was going to vomit a few times, and has definitely been panting for no reason here and there. she's also becoming very preoccupied with the vag (haha.. sorry.. i know that's crude). AND she is having a lot of dreams that are making her growl and show her teeth haha... i have no idea if that means anything but it sure cracks me up. and getting big.. when i tell her to sit, she walks over to a wall so she can lean on it! haha.. cute dog. who wouldn't love this face?

love, me


  1. Your pup is SO cute! Mine always blinks and closes her eyes in pictures too, it's actually really hard to get a shot with her eyes open. =)
    Have a great Wednesday!

  2. aw i am so happy ms. gracie is becoming comfortable in her new home. that doghouse is pretty cool.

    glad you're back to blogging
    glad you keep up with your dry erase board as much as i keep up with mine.
    so ocd when it comes to my calendar.
