1. Have you ever testified in court? For what?
no. but i've been in court and watched people testify in court in arkadelphia haha... it must be amusing to be a judge in a small town with two colleges.
2. Do you still have your wedding dress?
i do! it's hanging in my mama's closet. well, my closet.. my old closet :( i keep debating on whether to have it treated and all, and i probably should before it gets too late. otherwise it will just hang in there until it disintegrates or they move.. whichever comes first haha. isn't it purty??
3. Is there a special place you like to go when you're happy, sad, stressed, etc.?
my bed. haha... wrapped up in my blanket. when i'm feeling like i need to be alone, i like to go down to del mar beach, but i don't go near as often as i should. i pretty much retreat to home when i'm feeling down and out. i become a little hermit.
4. If you have kids, do they sleep with you? If you don't have kids...will you let your kids sleep with you when/if you have them?
well i don't have kids... and i'd like to think i wouldn't let them sleep with me but who really knows. i didn't sleep with my parents and i think too much of a "good thing" can be unhealthy. for me more than them! besides... the marriage bed should bed kept sacred (not puked on...and i know i'll feel differently about that when i have a little snot nosed 4 year old wanting to snuggle)
5. Do you watch late night TV?
not really. maybe once or twice a month if i can't sleep. the only tv i really watch is sunday night for real housewives if i remember. which i usually don't. and law and order svu, when it's on and i'm paying attention. and morning TV on fridays haha... dang... i guess i watch a lot of tv. i used to pride myself on not watching much. well, anyway.. the answer is no.
yay!! go link up or
Keep Hoppin' >>>>
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