
Well, July managed to sneak up on me.

It has been a while since I posted, mainly because the Sarge was home for two weeks before heading off, and also because once he left I was pathetic and boring with nothing to write about! I didn't want to get all mopey online, so I just stayed away for a little bit. I'm sure that everyone noticed lol. But I'm back and I have a few fun things to share!

First of all...maybe a day (or two) late and a dollar short, but it's the thought that counts right? So happy Independence, America! I made the famous wreath floating around Pinterest and I think it came out great! Plus, it cost me about $12 so that's awesome. 

I hope everyone's holiday was and is fun and safe. As for me, I went to my neighbor's house and hung out with the family. They are still pretty much the only people I know in this whole state. Pretty much. We had a great time with grilled burgers, veggies, and plenty of desserts!

Secondly, what have y'all been up to? I haven't had a chance to read many of my favorites but don't worry, I will be around shortly. I have a post ready for next week.. Sergeant J's birthday was last month so I made him a care package. It was my first and I'm pretty pleased with myself. So I will share that later. Also, while I was gone, I killed the largest spider I have ever seen indoors... no joke... managed to save up a quick $1000 (which is already spent for an upcoming rendezvous in Texas), dropped the laptop (it survived) and played through an entire video game. Fun June, huh? I certainly hope yours was better than mine haha!!

I'll be back early next week with the Sarge's birthday box. Until then, stay safe and live happy!

love, me

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