
Reflections for for April

So I want to review April's A-to-Z Challenge, which was really a challenge for me.. albeit a fun one. If you've been around any amount of time, you know I love month long challenges. Here are some reflections.

First, I hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing the posts. I took on a dual challenge of not only writing the A to Z posts, but writing them on the morning corresponding (as opposed to pre-writing). It was hard because, I mean.. life happens, right? Even though I had a fairly calm month, there were days I couldn't post on time or even at all. I might consider doing some pre-written posts next year. At least for the weekends. I have been known to be an inconsistent blogger (ahem 2012) so it was nice to put my thinking cap on. 

Second, how FUN was it to visit other blogs and see what people came up with for each letter! I have to admit.. some of it carried absolutely no appeal to me, but some posts and blogs were total diamonds in the rough. I wanted to comment and read more (as evidenced by my "favorite 'previous day' posts"). However... with reading and writing on the same day, I wasn't able to do nearly as much as I wanted to do. 

The list is SO big. I'm not sure I have a good idea about how to improve this, sorry. It was just disappointing some days, because I would click on links that really didn't interest me, or didn't write on topic. The moderators do an EXCELLENT job though, so the "off topic" blogs were few. On the other hand, if it were too organized and compartmentalized, I may have missed out on some interesting or funny posts. I'm sure this has been brought up. 

All in all, I think this is a fun challenge and I loved it. I went in looking to actually write consistently, and have come out on the other side with a few new pals in the blogosphere, and a much lengthier Feedly :) 

Here are a few of my favorite posts from the happy life blog this April: 

A is for Aleasa -- it was my first vlog! 
D is for Deployment
H is for Happy Life
I is for I
N is for Never
S is for Submission

love, me

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on making it through the A-Z Aleasa!

    I think your vlog idea for "A" day was awesome. I might have to try that one day soon. The outtakes were genius!
